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Thurmalox 245 Primer

High Temperature Primer

Thurmalox 245 is the primer for both Thurmalox 270 Series and Thurmalox 280 Aluminum heat resistant topcoats.
Data Sheet
SDS (Aerosol)
Available sizes
  • Aerosol
  • Quart
  • 1 Gallon

Thurmalox 245C Primer is a VOC compliant, high temperature, corrosion resistant primer formulated from silicone resins and zinc dust. Thurmalox 245C Primer provides outstanding corrosion protection for metal surfaces operating at temperatures from 500°F (260°C) to 1000°F (538°C), with peaks to 1200°F (648°C). Thurmalox 245C is the primer for Thurmalox 230C series heat resistant topcoats.

Thurmalox 245 is the primer for both Thurmalox 230 Series and Thurmalox 280 Aluminum heat resistant topcoats. These primer/topcoat systems have excellent intercoat adhesion and are able to withstand severe thermal shock throughout the entire temperature range.

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• Air dries
• Withstands continuous temperature of 1000°F (538°C), with peaks to 1200°F (648°C)
• Prevents rusting and streaking of steel during shutdowns
• Easily topcoated with Thurmalox 230 Series and Thurmalox 280 Aluminum topcoats
• Excellent intercoat adhesion
• Protects against weathering and corrosion
• Prevents underfilm corrosion attack
Common Uses
• Stacks, breechings, boiler casings
• Manifolds, mufflers and exhausts
• Hot piping, process vessels, heat exchangers
• Refinery equipment - heaters, crackers
• Furnaces, ovens
Not Recommended For
• Immersion service
• Direct contact with flame
• Cooking surfaces

Specification Data

Application Methods
Spray|Brush|Roll|Spray Preferred

Application Instructions

Surface Preparation
1. To ensure optimum long-term coating system performance, surfaces must be clean, dry and free from dirt, oil, grease, salts, welding flux, mill scale, rust, oxides, old paint, corrosion products or other foreign matter.
2. Remove all surface imperfections that will induce premature coating system failure. Chip or scrape off weld splatter. Grind down sharp and rough edges.
3. Abrasive blast surface per specification SSPC-SP10, “Near-White Blast Cleaning”, or per NACE Standard No.2 to a profile depth of 1.5 - 2.0 mils maximum, with a 1.5 mil anchor pattern being ideal. Abrasive used in blasting should be selected carefully from materials of mesh size required to produce the desired anchor pattern.
4. If abrasive blasting is not permitted, prepare surface by power tool cleaning per SSPC-SP 11. Use 3M brand “Heavy Duty Roto Peen”, type C flap wheel cleaning system mounted on an air-driven motor. This method will provide a surface equivalent to that provided by commercial blast cleaning per SSPC-SP6, including the desired surface profile.
5. Feather out all edges of adjacent painted surfaces after completion of surface preparation operations and prior to application of the first coat of paint.
Thurmalox 245 Primer is a two-package system consisting of a base component and zinc that are mixed together before use. Sift zinc dust slowly into base with continuous mechanical agitation. Mix thoroughly until free of lumps. Pour mixture through 30-mesh screen. If a partial unit is needed, mix by weight 10 parts of the Base component with 3 parts Zinc Dust component.
Only thin Thurmalox 245 Primer with Dampney 100 Thinner.
Note: Use of other thinners not approved by Dampney may hinder product performance and void product warranty.
Thoroughly flush spray equipment and hoses immediately after use with Dampney 100 Thinner. Dismantle spray equipment and clean parts, brushes and rollers with Dampney 100 Thinner.
Precautionary Information
WARNING: Flammable Liquid and Vapor . Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Vapors may cause flash fire. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation during mixing and application. Wear an appropriate, properly fitted organic vapor cartridge-type respirator (NIOSH approved) during and after application unless air monitoring demonstrates vapor/mist levels are below applicable limits. Follow respirator manufacturer’s directions for respirator use. Wash thoroughly after handling. Wear protective gloves, chemical safety goggles and impervious protective clothing. Use skin cream. In confined spaces it is required to use a positive pressure supplied-air respirator (NIOSH approved). Use explosion-proof lights and electrical equipment. Use only nonsparking tools and equipment. Wear conductive and nonsparking footwear. Make certain all electrical equipment is grounded. Observe all safety precautions and follow procedures described in OSHA regulations. See Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for complete precautionary and disposal information. If instructions and warnings cannot be strictly followed, do not use this product.
  To place orders and/or obtain pricing information contact:

Dampney Company
85 Paris Street
Everett, MA 02149
TEL: (617) 389-2805

Product Line

Common uses include Furnaces, Grill frames, BBQ grills, Fireplace screens, Propane tanks, Radiators, Wood Stoves, Stove Pipe, Exhaust Manifolds and Mufflers!

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